Francis William Lancaster passenger

This may not be new, in which case sorry. There is a web site at for the London, Belfast and Edinburgh Gazettes. The London Gazette archives include the following which may be of interest to someone:
Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap.
35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of
Property and to relieve Trustees."
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and
other persons having any claims or demands
against the estate of Francis William Lancaster,
formerly residing in the Island of Ceylon and late of
Ruislip, in the county of Middlesex, and since temporarily
residing at St. Williams, Norfolk County,
Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, and whose last
address in England was at Little Gidding, Ealing
Common, in the county of Middlesex, deceased (who
died at sea in the sinking of the ss. " Lusitania," OR.
the seventh day ot July, 1915, and to whose estate
letters of administration were granted by the Probate
Division of the High 'Court of Justice at the
Principal Registry, on the 30tli day of July, 1915, to
Percy Locke Lancaster, the administrator therein
named), are hereby required to send the particulars,
in writing, of their claims or demands to us, theundersigned,
on or before the 20th day of. October,
1915, after which date the said administrator will proceed
to distribute the assets of the said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims and demands of which he shall then havehad
notice; and he will not be liable for the assets
of the said deceased, or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claims or demands he shall
not then have had notice.–Dated this 20th day of
August, 1915.

Cheers, Jeff
Francis William Lancaster Plaque


Sacred to the memory of Francis William Lancaster
4th son of William Locke Lancaster
Who lost his life in the Lusitania disaster
7 May 1915, aged 48 years.

Mr Lancaster was buried in mass grave A on 10 May. His brother Percy, of Ealing, London, as indicated in the previous post above, took out letters of administration and William’s effects were transferred to his solicitor on 4 September.