Frederick OrrLewis

Hi Brian
I am sorry I did not see your question. The date is wrong. Here is the correct info
1921 November 18th Orr-Lewis, Sir Frederick age 55 Cannes, France ( Home- Montreal )

He was with Lady Allan, the daughters, the Allan maids, his manservant George Slingsby, Bob Holt and the Stephens when the ship sank. A bit of interesting info- Slingsby was the roomate of Denyer, the Vanderbilt manservant while on the Lusy. They became friends while aboard.
Thanks, Michael.
It's a lucky thing I was logging on today to see that you were kind enough to respond, since I don't get to visit the site so much anymore.

A mass e-mail was sent round the office on the subject of non-work-related internet use! I wasn't one of the people who got burnt, but I gotta watch it
Hi Brian
I am very sorry I didnt see your question earlier. If you read, George: Memoirs of a Gentleman's Gentleman- you'll learn quite a bit about Orr-Lewis. It's a great book, but the daughter I suspect tried to remember her father's stories versus using a written diary or account as some of things in the book do not jibe with what Slingsby put on paper himself.
Orr Lewis gave a good account of the disaster. I think he summed it up when he said something like, if only I could forgot what I saw, it would be a blessing.