Michael H. Standart
From DefenceNews.com:
Swedes To Say Farewell to San DiegoStory at http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=2784224&C=america
Comment: As tough a problem as finding a diesel submarine is when it goes quiet, one has to wonder where the U.S. Navy is going to get it's training from. These boats are very difficult to find and with air independant propulsion the coming thing, that just makes the problems that much tougher.
Swedes To Say Farewell to San Diego
The two-year Swedish naval presence in the Pacific Ocean is about to end.
U.S. Navy officials confirmed May 24 that the Swedish submarine Götland will soon return home after providing the Pacific Fleet the chance to practice the craft of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) with some of the world’s best submariners.
“I think every strike group on the West Coast had a chance to interact with Götland,” said Cmdr. Dan Bacon of the 3rd Fleet in San Diego. “Normally strike groups are lucky to get one or two exercises with a foreign diesel submarine when they’re on deployment. This allowed us to have every West Coast deployer see what it’s like to work with a diesel submarine.”
Comment: As tough a problem as finding a diesel submarine is when it goes quiet, one has to wonder where the U.S. Navy is going to get it's training from. These boats are very difficult to find and with air independant propulsion the coming thing, that just makes the problems that much tougher.