George Gumery Mess Steward

George Gumery is listed on the Titanic Relief Fund list and I'd like to find out more about who made the claim. Ho do I go about this?
Name: George GUMERY
Numbers based on the Crew List as published by the US Senate in Report No 806: 116
Dept. and Page/Line number on Sign-on sheets: E-44
Mess Steward
Thank you,
Hello Linda,

The only information I have comes from a copy of the Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund booklet of March 1913. Under Cases in the Liverpool Area:
No. Case. Dependants. Grant. The line for Gumery reads:
116. Gumery. Aunt. 15 pounds.
Hello Lester,

Thanks very much for your reply and information. As the case was from the Liverpool area do you think there would be more information in the Liverpool archives? Has anyone had success following this sort of thing up?
Hello Linda,

Welcome to E.T.

I usually deal with the Southampton area and not Liverpool.

The only help I can offer is if you try Liverpool Record Office. Try the following web-site:-

Failing that do a search and there site will appear. They may have a service where you pay a researcher to help you with your enquiries.

Other than that I have nothing else to offer.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply. I was trying to find out if more information is usually available if one follows up these relief fund claims, or am I likely to find out little more than the fact that his aunt received 15 pounds? What is the experience of others?
The Gumery family were from Birmingham, so I'm wondering how Liverpool comes into the picture?
:-)The Gumery family were from Birmingham, so I'm wondering how Liverpool comes into the picture?

Pass... The whole scheme of the Relief Fund is a wired set up. I want to precisely ask those questions myself, why is so and so from Devon placed on the Southampton Committee when they should be handed over to Exeter.

I don't know Linda. Your guesses are as good as mine. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.
