Goodwin Children

How long is your story? If it's not too long, you could try and get it published in a literary magazine. If it was around novel length, I'd look into getting it published. I know you said that it was just for fun, but why can't your projects bring in a little bit of income?

When I was in 6th grade, I wrote another Titanic story called John: the Story of a Boy on the Titanic. It was a very short piece, as it was for the Young Author's Contest. Anyway, what happened was John traveled second class on the Titanic with his mother and father. He meets a girl named Becky from first class and they become fast friends. The night of the sinking, John notices that Becky's parents forgot her (strains your belief, I know). While John's parents get on a lifeboat with Becky's parents, John goes off in search for Becky. He finds her, and they are on the Titanic as it is going down. They climb on a funnel, which eventually breaks, and the funnel falls into the water. These two kids cry out to a lifeboat, which returns and picks them up.

There is no conceivable way that a lot of this story would happen. For one, who would leave their child on board a sinking ship. Two, I stated that there was a dance at the Grand Staircase. Didn't ever happen. Three, by using Cameron's idea of no class barriers, I added to the already plentiful fallacies incorporated in the book. Oh and yes, I was in 6th grade after Cameron's Titanic. Three years afterwards, as a matter of fact.
When I wrote my High School short story in '92 I really didn't have my character interact with other passengers. I had her watching what they were doing and such but mostly I had her worrying about her own story and what she was going to do when she got to America. She had an interest in silent film so I studied up on that a bit and also about the Ship's layout. I had a kids book called Inside The Titanic? which had illustrations by Ken Marshall which was really informative about the Ship's layout. I think the text part of the book was written by Wyn Craig? It had beautiful cut aways of the ship in full detail sketches of the layout by Marshall. If you can find a copy I recommend it for all aspiring authors. It really helped me on the ship's layout but there really wasn't much about the ship's passengers back then that I could find. Walter Lord's ANTR and TNLO were a lot of help though.
Again George, you should revise it and send it to a literary magazine. Then when you have the time later, you could transform it into a novel on the Lusitania. Or the General Slocum. You could do that one too. What ever suits your fancy.
Thanks, Ben, but I don't think I'll be publishing my story. I'm only on about Chapter Five and already it's nearly 100 pages. My stories get really long-winded and packed with way too much description. But I don't care! It's fun enough just writing them.