Graves of Titanic passengers

Judith. It probably doesn't help to assume Boston, where her body was forwarded. There
must be some sort of documentation that tells what the wishes were of the sister when she got to Boston. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but maybe someone else may know. Colleen
Regarding Katherine Buckley I found the following in Senan Molony's excellent book, "The Irish Aboard Titanic":

"The American Red Cross noted in its 1913 report on aid provided in the aftermath that it had been involved in the transfer of the body to the Catholic cemetery in Roxbury: 'No. 58. (Irish) Domestic servant, 20 years of age, was drowned. The body was recovered and sent to a sister in Boston where the burial occurred'."

Hope this is of some help.

Best regards,
Dear Judith,

Catherine Buckley, who died in the Titanic disaster, was buried at St. Joseph's Cemetery, 990 LaGrange Street, West Roxbury, Massachusetts in the Field of Bethlehem lot, Section F, grave 343 in May, 1912. If you would like further information, the cemetery telephone number is (617) 327-1010.

I hope this will help you in your search.

Michael Findlay
A correction to something on this site about 3rd class passenger Michael P. 'Ty' Joseph...

On this site under his bio you have..."On his gravestone is a small painting of the Titanic."

In a recent book I have purchased, there is a photo of the grave marker...It is a large black granite monument and the picture of the Titanic is etched on the stone, not painted. It is a wonderful view of the Titanic steaming through the waves.

I have seen many simular looking stones here in US cemeteries, a lot for young children whose parents have had the face of the child etched on the gravestone.

The book is called 'Titanic - The Great Lake Connections' by Cris Kohl published in 2000.
I have seen the name of first class passenger Thomas Pears on the family memorial in the cemetery in Isleworth.

The other members are inscribed in gold lettering(fadind) but someone has gone over Thomas's inscription in white paint. I guess to show up in a photograph but hardly respectful is it?

My interest in him is at school our house names were of the local factories(Gillette,Firestone,Pyrene&Pears).
He was the great great grandson of Mr Andrew Pears the founder of the soap manufacturers.