I'd like to commend you for this fascinating piece. It's really interesting and helpful to have all the various accounts described and explained and linked in a suggested timeline. I also think you made all your points well and with good judgement and fairness.
I'd like also to echo Jan's feelings. He's in a position to know better than most how witnesses behave and his view makes a lot of sense.
One correction, if I may. Lucy
Lady Duff Gordon's comments regarding gun shots were given in an exclusive interview/article in Hearst's New York American of April 19, 1912. This is the only authorized story she gave though it was very much exaggerated by the reporters and/or editors who passed it for publication.
The articles you quote from the London papers were reprints of a single article that appeared in the New York World and syndicated papers (April 19). This story and several others that were published later were completely erroneous.
Lucy Duff Gordon didn't give any interviews apart from that given to the American.
Therefore it would be more correct to say that, at the hearings later, she "denied" or "repudiated" the story/stories, rather than "retracted" them.
Lucy Duff Gordon did repeat the story of hearing pistol shots in her 1932 autobiography and it was repeated orally to family members over the years, so I have no doubt that she heard shots fired. It was just that the fact was not occassioned by as much drama as was stated in the tabloids.
Your suggested time for Officer Lowe's gun shots (about 1:15)makes sense to me as this would have been around the time her lifeboat, boat 1, was either being launched or was in the process of being launched from the forward starboard boat deck. She could easily have heard them at that juncture.
Thanks again for this thought-provoking article.
PS) The transcripts for the British Inquiry hearings refer to Lucy Duff Gordon's story in the NY American both during her own testimony (May 20, Day 11,questions 12920-12970) and in Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon's (May 20, Day 11, questions 12642-12646). Unfortunately Lucy Duff Gordon was not asked specifically about the gun shots so there is no official record of what she heard or saw about that.
PPS) If the shots supposedly fired by Murdoch really took place, she would obviously have heard those too.