Paul R,
You will forgive me for not pursuing stragglers into the forest. I am embarked on shattering the notion that the Californian was the Titanic's Mystery Ship.
Let me get finish with this central issue, and the argument advanced that the Mystery Ship was Californian and was 15 miles away - with no other distractions.
Some time ago I asked for someone — anyone - to advance me a single good reason why the ship seen by the Titanic MUST be the Californian.
No-one has done so. Bill would like Californian to be the Mystery Ship, but he can't provide evidence to get the Californian to the south. And south she must go in this scenario, because the Titanic position is now locked in.
Leaving aside the fact that no-one on the Californian says she went south, it is her evidence (not disputed by anyone on board) that she did not begin to move until 6am — shortly after getting the shocking news by wireless that Titanic had transmitted an SOS.
So, folks, go back to the shaded circles at the top of this thread.
Say you choose to believe that all on board the Californian were lying (including the ‘whistleblowers,’ unfortunately) and that she was in reality much closer to the Titanic than the 21 miles shown above.
Say you conclude that the Titanic witnesses are uniformly "mistaken" about the proximity of their Mystery Ship - as demonstrated above.
[And I await Paul Lee citing a single Titanic witness who says the Mystery Ship was 15 miles away, or even 14 miles, Samuel...]
Go ahead and ignore this background. Pull the Californian down a few squares from where she is in the graphic at the top of this thread…
Because fresh problems will be created!
Mount Temple says she arrived at the SOS position at 4.30am, but could see no other ship (except a two master which had previously crossed her path).
Look how close you have now pulled down the Californian to the SOS position. The shade circles (visible horizons) of both these ships must intersect, if not virtually overlap to satisfy the 5-miles and 4-7 mile testimony of both ships' witnesses.
Mount Temple must see Californian in this scenario, of Cal being dragged south. She does NOT see any such vessel.
Leave the Californian in your new adjusted position (because she has to get south to be the Titanic’s Mystery Ship, yeah?). Behold! Here comes the
Carpathia arrives and can see a four-masted ship (Mount Temple) and the two-master.
Captain Rostron of sainted memory helpfully says all this in evidence to the British Inquiry:
25551. “We then saw two steamships to the northwards, perhaps seven or eight miles distant. Neither of them was the ‘Californian.’ One of them was a four-masted steamer with one funnel, and the other a two-masted steamer with one funnel. I never saw the ‘Mount Temple’ to identify her. The first time that I saw the ‘Californian’ was at about eight o’clock on the morning of 15th April."
So Californian, being stationary (unlike the Mystery Ship which approached and later departed) **could not** have been to the south without being seen before 6am.
Put her back to the north. Remember that Californian had Polaris (the latitude star for determining your position on the North-South axis), and they had dead reckoning, and they saw a trio of icebergs where those icebergs were, and which were seen and independently verified.
The Californian knew where she herself was. It is unsupported to drag her to the south without convincing explanation. No-one can cite evidence to support the contention.
Bill, you doubt her stated position. But do you see that her testified stop position actually put her head in the noose in 1912? Because they saw rockets to the southEAST, not to the southWEST, where the Inquiry believed Titanic actually was (at the SOS position).
Why would people who were lying about their position wilfully put their heads on the chopping block?
Meanwhile here are a TEN reasons why the Mystery Ship seen by the Titanic is NOT the Californian:
1) Mystery Ship moving. Californian stationary from 10.21 by testimony of all aboard.
2) MS showing a red light from very early on (read Boxhall, see Lowe & ors), Californian displaying a green light at this time to any vessel to the south.
3) Closeness of the MS to the Titanic by the Titanic evidence. How do you get Californian down all those nautical miles to the south?
4) Since Californian was heading virtually due west and stopped at 10.21pm, as an eleven-knot ship she cannot fire up her boilers and get down to the Titanic to be within five miles.
5) Closeness of the Californian's visitor to the Californian. She is only a "small to medium" steamer with "a few indistinct lights," "two or three" - how can this be the Titanic?
6) Rockets reach only halfway up the mastlight of that near ship to the Californian. Titanic's rockets worked perfectly.
7) Californian at the ice barrier, Titanic in open water. Look at the separation on the East-West barrier. The Californian's small to medium visitor is right at the ice as well.
8) Titanic's mystery ship turns and goes away and Boxhall and others see a stern light before the Titanic has sunk. Many witnesses say the MS went away. Californian did not get underway and leave her position until 6am by the evidence of all on board.
9) Carpathia cannot see Californian the next morning. Rostron sees a two-masted steamer and a four-master (Mount Temple) and specifically says: "Neither was the Californian." Dawn from 4am. Californian stood still until 6am.
10) Moore of the Mount Temple says he reaches the SOS position at 4.30, but he can't see any other vessel but the two-masted small steamer later seen by Rostron. Wouldn't he see Californian if she was close by at that time?
I think I could probably come up with another ten reasons (such as the fact that Lee and Fleet couldn’t see another ship — supposedly the stationary Californian! - while they were up in the crow’s nest), but 10-0 is a good point to rest.
No reason at all is offered by the other side as to why the Titanic’s MS must be the Californian. Draw your own conclusions.
Don't worry, I will be exploding that logic bomb under the 15-mile Mystery Ship argument very shortly.
Regards - Senan