How did passengers reach top bunks without ladders

Hey all,
i've always wondered - how did Titanic's 2nd and 3rd class passengers reach the top bunks in their cabins??? I've seen many photos of 2nd and 3rd class cabins which show the 2-tier bunks however there are no built-in ladders and the upper bunk seems quite high. How did passegers manuoever themselves up into the bunks without breaking their necks? I can't imagine the women of the day - in 2nd class at least - trying to hoist their legs in the air - especially with restrictive corsets n' all. How on earth did they ascend???
Hi Richard, In some photos, you can see metal grab handles attached to the overhead beams, but one would think some upper body strength would be needed. Perhaps you would ring for a cabin steward who brought a stepstool or ladder?

Hi Richard.

As an addendum to the above posts: David Haisman's book "I'll See You In New York" indicates that the top bunks (in 2nd Class at least) were equipped with varnished bunk ladders to provide access for passengers.

Hi Lester.

Sorry - no idea regarding 1st Class arrangements. I'm still reading David's book however so, if I find out any more info, I'll post it here.
