How many times have you seen Cameron's Titanic

At least 10 times. I've watched the A&E docu probably 30 times and others. I like this movie. Sure there are some flaws and Titanic is a back drop for Jack and Rose but who cares. Cameron gave us the best recreation of the ship of any Titanic movie. And the background info is for the most part pretty accurate...for that I give him a thumbs up. Besides the story of the fictional characters is an entertaining one. I think Cameron tried to use them to convey the loss that was Titanic.
I'm not ignoring you all since I posed the question. I just wanted to see the variety of answers. For myself, I saw the movie once in the theater--it was the first movie I had literally seen in years in a theater, since I had been very ill for a long time before going. A friend asked me before going if I could make it through the whole thing, and I did. I didn't know anything about Titanic but was intrigued. I saw it at least twice on TV, but those I think I caught in the middle. Maybe I saw it once from start to finish on TV. I regretted that because my favorite part is the beginning, where Rose sees the picture of herself on TV and goes to the diving mission and sees her old stuff and chats with what's his name. I read the script once on the internet from start to finish, and that was like seeing the movie for me. And I've watched the DVD twice from start to finish and all the deleted scenes and stuff.The soundtrack is currently my favorite music for studying. I don't like to see movies that many times generally--most once is enuf, and there are a few I've enjoyed a few times. I'm in the mood to see it again but won't get the time for another few weeks. So that's me. Feel free, of course, to chime in.
Sometimes several times a month, then I'll go awhile without watching. It depends, it's an experience, every time I watch it and I enjoy the "voyage: as I call it.
I dare not even try to count how many times I've watched this or any other T. film for that matter.
Especially this last year, the Titanic bug bit me hard in 2005. Must have been all the expeditions and new discoveries. Very exciting T. year 2005 was, IMO.
I saw the movie opening night with a friend. Then over the next few weeks I saw it again when other friends were making plans to see it and asked if I wanted to come along. I believe I saw it in the theater 4 times. Then I rented it on video once. Then a few years ago when I got my first DVD player (and new 27" TV), the Titanic DVD was one of the first I bought. I watched this DVD at least six times.

Then I got the special edition a few months ago and watched it again in regular form and then one more time with the Lynch and Marschall commentary.

So I have easily seen it a dozen times.

this may go into another topic, but in the subsequent viewings, I concentrated more on the factual aspects and in looking for real life people. In the process, I noticed that many of the extras would be seen earlier in the film and then reappear at various points during the sinking. In particular the steerage passengers.

The two best examples are when Leo and company pass by the young Chinese man who is looking through what I assume was an English dictionary and who then appeared later, when Murdoch allowed some men into collapsible C.

The other instance was the scene where Leo and company encountered the locked barrier and broke it down. When they were preparing to ram it with the bench, Rose had to pull one of the young women out of the way. This same actress later appeared in 14 sitting near Officer Lowe when he was preparing to swap passengers between boats.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
I watched the movie once in the theater, twice on tv and too many times to count on DVD. Wasn't there a 4-disc DVD? The store I went to only had the 3-disc. And can anyone private message me the easter eggs?
David, you think that's bad?

I can pretty much recite the entire dialog and soundtrack (humming along with it) sometimes. When I start saying the lines with the characters or humming along with the soundtrack, I know it's time for 'Titanic' to go on the shelf for a few months.
Let me start this off by saying, "Thank you, James Cameron," for if it were not for this movie I might never know the story of Titanic. Before this movie was made I knew next to nothing about the tragedy. I only knew that it was a ship that hit an iceberg and sank. I didn't know of the gross loss of life, and so many of these people died because there weren't enough lifeboats, and those who died didn't die of drowning as I had previously just assumed, but by freezing to death. I had just never imagined.

Now on to the ship itself. I didn't even know it was a passenger liner and I never could have imagined that something built "back then" could be so breathtakingly beautiful. This movie introduced me not only to the story of the Titanic, but also to the gloriousness of the entire Edwardian era, and my life has since become ae endless pursuit of knowledge pertaining to that era.

So, back to the real question here, I saw it ten times in the theater, about half with my one closest friend, 4 times each with a different person who I thought needed to see the movie, and once by myself because my ol' reliable friend refused to go with me one more time. The number of times I've watched it since on video, tv, and dvd, I've lost count of. I do remember when I first got it on dvd that I watched it twice that same day, and probably once a day for the rest of that week. When the Special Edition came out, forget couldn't talk to me until I watched every single special feature. It'd be interesting for me to know exactly how much time I've spent watching this movie!