John Flood
I am doing a research project and I need to know how much water the Titanic could have held without sinking?
Wilding estimated Titanic's draft at the time of the collision for the British Inquiry. Hackett & Bedford published his calculations in their 1996 RINA paper, as follows:
Titanic's actual draft leaving Southampton:
34'-4" aft, 33'-8" forward, 34'-0" mean
Olympic's average change in draft for three voyages: 2'-8"
Wilding's estimate of Titanic's draft after 165 hours at sea:
1'-9" mean change in draft
32'-9" aft, 30'-9" forward, 32'-3" mean
From elsewhere I have Titanic's Tons per Inch as
143.8 at a draft of 34'-7" (load draft)
138.8 at a draft of 26'-7½" (light draft)
Wilding's numbers indicate that she had used about 3,000 tons of fuel and other expendables by the time of the collision.