How to starch an evening shirt

I got myself a beautiful evening shirt from the 20's, and I wash it, but I do not know how to starch just the bosom and not the whole shirt. When I bought it, it was starched so well, that first I thought that there must be something stiff in that bosom...Could anyone help me?

Right off hand I would suggest spray starch and ironing would probably be best; use liquid starch when washing something if you want to starch the whole shirt.
I already know; I asked a very old lady of my hometown who worked as a laundrywoman and she told me to use a wheat starch, and then iron it when it is still moist.

I used normal starch before (which my mother use to starch linen or curtains, I think it is made out of potatoes) and it did not work properly - the collars, cuffs and shirts were too soft.