How would they have dealt with this

In a short story I'm writing, one of the children has a MASSIVE temper tantrum, thing is, she's about to turn 13. How would the parents have dealt with this?
Depends on what class they are from. If they are third class, probably a good clip around the ear would have been the solution. If they are first class, probably more likely to be a "quick, get out of sight of the other rich people so we can avoid the stares and embarrassment" type scenario. ;-)
>>If they are first class, probably more likely to be a "quick, get out of sight of the other rich people so we can avoid the stares and embarrassment" type scenario. ;-)<<

Then perhaps a good clout around the ear.
Ah - George. Hello.
I think most 13-year olds would already have had a clip round the ear in their childhood, no matter what class they were. The majority would have succumbed - meekly or resentfully - and a minority, of any class, would have been rebelling. In my own family, I have examples of each from the early 20thC, and class doesn't really explain the response, either at the time, or later.
Howdy Monica,

True, I agree most kids would have out grown the clip on the ear and as young adults or teens would of been reasoned with if they were having a rough bit of teen angst. Although I am sure there were teens who still got a clout for speaking out about something. Especially on the Titanic as the ship was sinking and folks were getting stressed.