Hubbard Vanderbiltlast voyage photos

In looking through some archive pictures, I came across these of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt and Elbert Hubbard.

Both are undated, and so I was wondering if our Lusy experts know whether they might have been taken at the time of her last trip. I have a feeling the one of Vanderbilt, although the caption says it was taken at the Cunard pier, is not 1915, since he’s boarding his car, not leaving it; also the license plate number seems to read 1913 (but it’s fuzzy so I can’t really tell).

The one of Hubbard looks like it could be 1915. At least he looks the right age.


Hi Randy
Believe it or not- there is a picture of Elbert and Alice ready to board the ship. I have to find the link, but it is at the Cornell website. You can see the Cunard building and pier in the background and Alice is wearing a big corsage.
Thanks Ryan and Trevor for those great photos.
Interesting that the Hubbards were both hatless, especially that Alice was.
It is eerie looking at photos of people (Hubbard, Vanderbilt, Anne Shymer, Jacques Futrelle, Frederick Wheeler)standing on decks that they were soon to die on.
Hi Brian, you are very welcome. I agree with you regarding the oddity of the couple being hatless. In nearly ever photo I've seen of Elbert, he's had his famous hat on.

Here is a photo (supposedly) taken of Elbert Hubbard once aboard. What strikes me as odd is that he's wearing his hat in this photo, unlike the one taken before boarding.

Hi, guys:

Thanks Mike and Trevor for info on the other photo of Hubbard with his wife. And Brian, you’re right that it’s a little odd for the couple to be hatless, especially so for Alice. On the other hand, this was no ordinary man and woman. They were hippies before their time!

Trevor, the photo you linked is the same one I posted.


PS) Trevor, I will get back to you soon about Edith Russell; just found your email.
Hi Randy, Thank you. I've always wondered why the couple appeared so casual in that photo. I was always under the impression that passengers dressed very formal before boarding a ship back in those days.

BTW I believe there is a photo of Vanderbilt just before boarding. It is in one of the Lusitania books (I think "Remember the Lusitania!") I will have to look further into the matter though.
Michael P., could you provide a link to the photograph of Elbert & Wife preparing to board Lusitania. Trevor's link is no alonger accessible. I would like to have a print of the image to post with my Hubbard display (Letter on Roycroft stationary w/beautiful sig.)


Michael Cundiff
Thanks Mike, however the image is relatively small, it is the first time I have seen it, also first time I have seen Elbert without his fidora ;-) Just last night, I cut and mounted the image of which R. Bigham provided a link (above). BTW -
Any chance of you sharing the W.T. Stead letter of which I forwarded to you, at the time I arrived home from hospital? Via a journel or ET, I will leave that choice up to you, as I am still without scanner capabilities.

Michael Cundiff