Identity of the American Nurses in Boat Deck photo

Does anyone have the slightest clue who the women in the famous last voyage photo are? The experts seem to believe that they are nurses headed to France. Could one be Mme. De Page? I know she was headed to Belgium. Please post the photo in your post if you have it. It may help.

The ladies in the photo are probably some
of the Canadian and British women who were
returning to enter the ambulance corp. Mrs
DePage is not among them, as I have seen
several photos of her.

If you're referring to this photograph,


it was not taken on board Lustania although it is commonly stated as such. If you closely examine photographs of Lusitania, you'll realize that there is nowhere on the ship with the same configuration of solid bulwarks, ratlines, vents, and stanchions as there are in the photo.

Eric Sauder