In search of music aboard - All classes

In Marjorie Lottie Collyer biography:
Her father was a bell ringer and sexton at their new church, St Mary's,
Harvey Collyer
The family later moved to Bishopstoke, Hampshire, following the Reverend Sedgwick who had moved to his new Parish church there, St Mary's. Harvey would continue to work for the church as verger, on the church council and as a bell ringer and he also ran a grocery store in the town. His wife also continued to work at the church and the family were well respected within their community.
Charlotte Caroline Collyer
I feel we lived too much for each other that is why I've lost him. But mother we shall meet him in heaven. When that band played 'Nearer My God to Thee' I know he thought of you and me for we both loved that hymn and I feel that if I go to Payette I'm doing what he would wish me to
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For the sound impression,
because it is the last precise testimony I have read since today for the screams in cold water:
In Edith Eileen Brown biography
"I could see nothing, but the shrieks and the screams that filled the air were terrible. I presume that it was just as she went under water that the most horrible moan as from a thousand lips came over the water as that many men and I believe some women were hurled into the water and struggled about trying to find something on which to save themselves. After the awful moan it was quiet for a moment and the screams broke out again, but I heard no cries for help. They were more like the agonised cries of men that knew there was no help for them."
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In Albert Francis Caldwell biography for the hymn service
Caldwell recalled the hymn service held on the Sunday night in the second-class dining led by Ernest Carter. Albert spoke on the subject in "Perils of the Sea."

"How little did that happy group, who with reverent thoughts, were worshiping God, realize that within a few hours the majority of them would meet him,"
and talking about the people in cold water
"For a moment all was silence and then, across that waste of waters, wafted a sound that will ever ring in my ears, the cries of those perishing in the icy water. They did not drown for they could not withstand the cold water and died, one by one, from exposure."
In Ada Elizabeth Balls biography
and Robert James Bateman
On the night of the disaster Ada, a deeply religious woman had, along with her brother-in-law, organised a prayer meeting near the second-class dining room. A small group of no more than half a dozen people sang hymns and joined in prayer, concluding around 10.30 pm.
body #174-Robert James Bateman- sang hymns
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It is not only a question of music,
but as I have already spoken about the perception of the last moments,
I add the impression of light to the sound
In Mr August Abraham Johannes Abrahamsson biography (survivor-lifeboat 15) Third Class
August managed to get up to the upper decks, minus a lifebelt, and entered one of the last lifeboats, most likely lifeboat 15. He later reported hearing stifled explosions as the ship went down and stated that the lights still burned brightly until only moments before the ship made her final plunge.
It is not certain if Abrahamsson ever viewed any movies about the Titanic during his lifetime, but on reading a review of the 1953 Fox movie Titanic in Time magazine, he responded with a letter to the editor:

Time’s April 27 (1953) review of the 20th Century Fox picture TITANIC states that the ship went down (April 15, 1912) in a moonlight (sic) sea. There was no moonlight that night. Starlight, yes, but no moonlight. I happen to be one of the survivors. — August J. Abrahamson
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The new current summary list:
(s)=survivor, (v)=victim: Lost at Sea or Not Identified . bS= buried at Sea,
bH= buried at Halifax, bE= buried in England, b*= buried in **
#number= body number


- Howard Irwin, (1887-1953), Clarinet


- Charles Herbert Lightoller (s) (1874-1952), Banjo
- Boylett Herbert Jupe (v) (#73-bS) (1881-1912), Ukulele

- Léontine Pauline Aubart, "Ninette" (s) (1887-1964), French cabaret singer, working at Lapin Agile
- Eleanor Cassebeer (s) (1875-1969/70), She taught music at home after Titanic
- Berthe Antonine Mayné, "Mrs de Villiers" (s)(1887-1962), Singer
- Marjorie Anne Newell (s) (1889-1992), Violin and piano
- Margaretta Corning Spedden, "Daisy" (s) (1872-1950) ,Followed musical studies
- Marie Grace Young (s) (1876-1959), Gifted pianist and music teacher


-The Orchestra:

- Wallace Henry Hartley (v) ( #224-bE ) (1878-1912) Bandleader and violist
- William Theodore Brailey (v) (1887-1912), Pianist
- John Frederik Preston Clarke (v) ( #202-bH )(1883-1912), Contra-bassist
- John Wesley Woodward (v) (1879-1912) Cellist
- Percy Cornelius Taylor (v) (1872-1912)
Maybe played Viola, / Pianist, cellist, choir member

- John Law Hume (v) (#193-bH ) (1890-1912), First Violin
- Roger Marie Léon Joseph Bricoux (v) (1891-1912), Cellist
- Georges Alexandre Krins (v) (1889-1912),

-Hymn Service:

- Ada Elizabeth Balls (s) (-)Sang hymns and joined in prayer
Rev Robert Bateman (v) (#174-bJ)(1859-1912) Sang hymns and joined in prayer
- Robert Douglas Norman (v) ( #287- bH ) (1884- 1912), Piano
- Alfred Pain (v) (1888-1912), Singer, expert at the piano and flute
- Sydney Clarence Stuart (s) (1887-1941), Led the singing
- Mathilde Françoise Weisz (s) (1874-1953) She sang the « LastRose of Summer »
- Marion Wright (s) (1885-1965), Singer


- Richard F. Becker (s) (1910-1975), He later became a singer
- Bostford William Hull (v) (1886-1912), He was a keen singer
- Harvey Collyer (v) (1880-1912), He was a bell ringer
- Richard George Hocking (v) (1888-1912)
, Member of the YMCA choir
- Henry Price Hodges (v) (body #149- bH) (1862-1912), Music and pianoforte dealer
Hilda Mary Slayter, (s) (1882-1965)She had dreams of becoming a professional singer
- Edwy Arthur West, (v) (1875-1912) He had served as a chorister for many of his young years


- Rossmore Edward Abbott (v) (body #190-bS) (1896-1912), boy's choir at Grace Episcopal Church in Providence, Rhode Island.
- Al-Amir Faris Shibab (v) (1886-1912), A gifted musician, was on his way to NY to pursue a career in that field
Eugene Patrick Daly (s) (1883-1965), Bagpipes
- Virginia Ethel Emanuel (Martin) (s) (1905-1906), her mother, Elise Martin, was an actress and aspiring singer
- Ann a Elisabeth Judith Dyker (s) (1889-1961),
Was training to become a singer and give music lessons
- Honor(Nora) Flemmnig, (v) (1890 - 1912), Talented singer, was entertaining Irish songs when the first word of trouble came
- Marian Meanwell (v) (1849-1912),
Unique child of a music professor
- Alfonzo Meo-Martinez (v) (#201 - bH ) (1864-1912), Violinmaker
- William Henry Nancarrow (v) (1876-1912), Was renowned in his localities for his singing abilities
- Alma Cornelia Palsson (v) (body bH-#206) (1882-1912), Mouthorganin her pocket
- Edward Ryan (s) ( 1888-1974), Singer,
and others, Singers, dancers, accordeons and piccolos among others instruments
- Henry Sutehall (v) (1886-1912), Violin
- Sages Family, (v) Piano
Annie Elizabeth Sage (v) (1867-1912) married to John George Sage(v)(1867-1912), and their nine children:
Stella Anna (v) (1891-1912), George John (v)(1892-1912), Douglas Bullen (v)(1893-1912), Frederick (v)( 1895-1912), Dorothy Florence (v)(1897-1912),
AnthonyWilliam (v) (#67-bS) (1899-1912), Elizabeth Ada(v)(1901-1912), Constance Gladys (v) (1904-1912) and Thomas Henry (v) (1907-1912).

- Kate Connolly, (v) (1870-1912), her elder sister, Maggie, was a music teacher
Elin Matilda Hakkarainen, (s) (1888-1957), her future son worked as music teacher

-#body-67, bS, Anthony William Sage, 3d class, Family piano
-#body-73, bS, Boylett Herbert Jupe, Crew,
-#body-149, bH, Henry Price Hodges, 2d class, Music and pianoforte dealer
#body-174, bJ, Robert Bateman, Hymns
body-190, bS, Rossmore Edward Abbott, 3d class, boy's choir in church
-#body-193, bH, John Law Hume, 2d class, First violonist
-#body-201, bH, Alfonzo Meo-Martinez, 3d class, Violin maker
-#body-202, bH, John Frederik Preston Clarke, 2dclass, Contrabassist
-#body-206, bH, Alma Cornelia Palsson, 3d class, Mouth organ in her pocket
-#body-224, bE, Wallace Henry Hartley, 2d class, Bandleader and violist
-#body-287, bH, Robert Douglas Norman , 2d class, Piano