Jim Kalafus
Oh, and lest anyone doubt...
In April 1956, N.Y. Mirror Labor columnist Victor Riesel was attacked in a legendary incident that saw sulphuric acid thrown into both his eyes. His paper ran an article titled "It's Not Safe To Be A Reporter" that listed perhaps a dozen infamous attacks on newspeople. Among them the tragic departure of Mr. Rothrock. The Mirror article states, emphaticaly, that Aleck was commited for 'life' to an asylum.
In April 1956, N.Y. Mirror Labor columnist Victor Riesel was attacked in a legendary incident that saw sulphuric acid thrown into both his eyes. His paper ran an article titled "It's Not Safe To Be A Reporter" that listed perhaps a dozen infamous attacks on newspeople. Among them the tragic departure of Mr. Rothrock. The Mirror article states, emphaticaly, that Aleck was commited for 'life' to an asylum.