Darren Clossin
I recently purchased the attached stereo view card- Its not labeled as to which ship it is tho- I thought maybe this image is in a book somewhere? I'd love it to turn out to be the Titanic, but I think its more likely the Olympic. If it IS the Titanic, they havent yet enclosed the upper promenade deck. Thanks for your help!
If the pic isnt too clear you can see it on eBay still: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-5...ampid=5335818172&icep_uq=rms+olympic+postcard
{85852,Olympic maybe}
If the pic isnt too clear you can see it on eBay still: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-5...ampid=5335818172&icep_uq=rms+olympic+postcard
{85852,Olympic maybe}