Joey D. Oller
We often see in our mind the elderly couple huddled togother on the boat deck, refusing to part. Isidor Straus saying that he would not leave on a life boat as long as other men remain. The story of the Mr. and Mrs. Straus is one that touches our hearts when speaking of the Titanic. Many do not that Isidor Straus was in the Confederate Army, serving in a Georgia Regt. Co. Gracie had finished his book "The Truth of Chickamauga" (a battle which Straus was in) and loaned a copy to Straus so that he could read on while on the Titanic. Records state that he finished the book on Sunday morning and told Gracie his opinion of the book, which was good. I would like to know more about Isidor Straus' military service in the Confederacy. The Confederate Veteran Magazine did a story on Straus within months after the sinking which gave details, but not much on his private life in the military.