J Kent Layton
Glad you enjoyed the update! I'll be stocking all of them through my site, and will be putting pre-order information up soon. I will be making arrangements with the publisher for The Edwardian Superliners and On A Sea of Glass to have copies expedited internationally, which means that I'll be stocking them before any other retailers in the Americas, and no one will have to pay exorbitant shipping costs by ordering it from an international retailer.
I will also be attempting to make the same arrangement with the Shire book, but I'm not sure how they work things as compared to Amberley, which has the whole thing down to a science. But I'll keep everyone posted here and through my site.
Everyone is going to have something to look forward to in these books - particularly, for folks around here, On A Sea of Glass. Some of the things we discovered when working from rare accounts and comparing multiple accounts from a single survivor (even the best-known of them) turned up some unique details that astounded even us.
Glad you enjoyed the update! I'll be stocking all of them through my site, and will be putting pre-order information up soon. I will be making arrangements with the publisher for The Edwardian Superliners and On A Sea of Glass to have copies expedited internationally, which means that I'll be stocking them before any other retailers in the Americas, and no one will have to pay exorbitant shipping costs by ordering it from an international retailer.
I will also be attempting to make the same arrangement with the Shire book, but I'm not sure how they work things as compared to Amberley, which has the whole thing down to a science. But I'll keep everyone posted here and through my site.
Everyone is going to have something to look forward to in these books - particularly, for folks around here, On A Sea of Glass. Some of the things we discovered when working from rare accounts and comparing multiple accounts from a single survivor (even the best-known of them) turned up some unique details that astounded even us.