Jeso Čulumović

He was from Prvan Selo (Perusic) Lika-Senj Croatia. His last name was in fact Ecimovic (some of the family went by Hecomovic). An inaccuracy that his 'real' name was Ćulumović and Ecimovic was just his 'calling card' name. His family were married into the Oreskovic family (also lost passengers on the Titanic) for a half a century in the region of Lika.
He was from Prvan Selo (Perusic) Lika-Senj Croatia. His last name was in fact Ecimovic (some of the family went by Hecomovic). An inaccuracy that his 'real' name was Ćulumović and Ecimovic was just his 'calling card' name. His family were married into the Oreskovic family (also lost passengers on the Titanic) for a half a century in the region of Lika.
My grandfather who was from Perusic Croatia had planned to go with his cousin, whose name I do not know, on the Titanic, but went home to help his father plant the crops one last time, and lost his chance(!) to board the Titanic. His cousin made the Titanic and did not survive.
My grandfather's name was Martin Kulas', his father was Joseph Kulas' and his mother was Bojo Nenandic (maiden name) and I am pretty sure that his cousin did not share his surname (there is no Kulas' on the manifest).
If any of this aligns with your relatives, I would appreciate any input you have. I have not been able to find any record of Bojo's or Joseph's siblings.
Thank you.
Ed Kulash