John Butterworth Saloon Steward

Can anyone tell me anything about Saloon Steward John Butterworth and/or his family? I know he came from Manchester and thats pretty much it. Am particularly interested in his Mancunian background. Thanks!
Below is an article that I published in the Atlantic Daily Bulletin a couple of years ago:
Butterworth, Jack. Lived at 270 Priory Road, St Denys, Southampton. Was 23 years old. Occupation on board the Titanic - Saloon Steward. (Born in Manchester).
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913). Number 326. Butterworth, William James, Father. Class D dependent.
His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett and numbered 116. Estimated age 26. Hair red. Clothing:- Dark clothes with white Stewards jacket, black boots Effects:- Cigarette case. Buried at Sea.
Prior to leaving on the Titanic, Jack had been courting his fiancee (a Miss May Hinton of Woolston, Southampton) and they had agreed to become engaged. Jack wrote the following letter which was posted at Queenstown: (note the wrong date)
''RMS Titanic. Queenstown. 12th April 1912
My Darling Girl,
We have been having a very fierce time in this steamer. I suppose you heard of the accident that occurred to the New York as we sailed this ship carried so much water between the Oceanic and New York that the York broke all her ropes and sailed all on her own, you could have tossed a penny from our ship to her she was so close, it was a good job she did not hit us as it would have been another case of the Hawke collision.
Well, dearest how do you feel? pretty lonely I guess after me being home for so long, but still we cannot grumble my dear as we have had a real good and happy time and I am so happy to think everything is all right. Well there is one consolation about it I shall soon be with you again all being well.
We do really enjoy ourselves when I am home, well I do not see why we should not anyhow, and again I think it does us both good for me to go away for a little stretch don't you dear? There are quite a lot of American Line men here so it is a little better for us to see a few old faces.
Our shore steward was aboard yesterday before we sailed and he saw me, so he said ''hello have you signed here?'' so I said ''yes!'' and then he said ''see you come back in time for your own ship'', so of course I thanked him and said ''yes'', which I may do if things do not turn out good here.
Will now close sweetheart take care of yourself dear, love to all at home and fondest love to yourself dearest.
Yours always - Jack
PS Don't forget to get me a Plymouth football paper.''

Sadly May Hinton received the letter above on Saturday 20th April 1912 her 21st Birthday - she also received notification from the White Star Line that day that Jack was not among the survivors.
All very sad.
Best regards

Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.