Joseph Evans 1st Chief Officer of Olympic

Christmas Greetings.. I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything else about Joseph Evans, the first chief officer of the Olympic. I was just curious as to why he was only on the first trip of the Olympic and where did he go after that? Did he ever get his own command? I just think that it would be fascinating to learn something of one of the other officers not related to Titanic but who also served with Captain Smith, First Officer Murdoch. He was replaced with C.O. Henry Wilde after the maiden voyage I believe. Any other personal information? I am understandably curious. I saw him in the photograph on the Olympic taken with Captain Smith, and First Officer Murdoch. Thank you very much. Melissa K.
Hallo Melissa -

Evans, who came from Holywell, had served with Smith and Murdoch aboard the Adriatic prior to joining the Olympic. No reason has thus far been established for the WSL moving him on after the Olympic's maiden voyage (although there is some speculation). He was transferred to the Oceanic as her Chief Officer. To my knowledge, he did not receive a command in the merchant service. I have a few other bits and bobs about him at home, but am on vacation now with no access to notes.
Hi Inger.. I have another question here about Mr. Evans that I just thought of. I saw a photo here on ET (under Online Exhibit) of Captain Smith and the crew of the maiden voyage of Olympic. But the picture shows C.O. Henry Wilde. I thought somehow that Joseph Evans was the CO for the maiden voyage. And if so why is he not in the photo? And secondly he is in the photo with Capt. Smith, First Officer Murdoch and David Alexander in the dark blue uniforms which is the winter uniforms. I'm just curious as to what is real and what is not? Did he or did he not serve as CO on Olympic's maiden voyage or am I just misinformed? Is the picture correct? I'm assuming that it is. I appreciate any info you can find out when you get back. I just wanted to post this anyway before I forgot it. The mind is a tricky thing!
Sincerely, Melissa K.
Hallo again Melissa -

Is the photo on ET you're referring to the one in Steve Santini's collection? I don't think that the captioning indicates it was taken on the Olympic's maiden voyage (but then, I suffer from 'domestic blindness' and perhaps it's right there in front of me) - and the line up of officers indicates that it certainly was not. Evans was indisputably the Olympic's first chief officer - I have a photocopy of the crew agreements in front of me for the crossing from Belfast - so you're not misinformed

Evans, whose previous ship was the Adriatic, joined the ship in Belfast. He gave his age as 53 years old, and was born in Holywell.
Thanks Inger.. I didn't think that was from the maiden voyage but I think I read on the thread that it was the mv of Olympic. Thanks for clearing that up.. Look forward to hearing what other info you have on Joseph Evans. Hope you're having a nice vacation. Sincerely, Melissa K.
Hi Inger.. I was just wondering if you would when you can post your information on Joseph Evans here. I would appreciate it. Also do you know if there are any other known photographs of Joseph Evans? I was just curious. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Melissa K.
Soon as I come across anything I'll let you know, Melissa - although I have promised first dibs to a researcher over here who is particularly interested in Evans and is considering following him up more closely. I don't think there's much more that I have in my files 'n' piles of paper, though - I've never looked specifically for Evans data, but have merely noted it when I've come across it. If you're keenly interested perhaps you'd like to follow him up yourself? It would be an interesting pursuit (although the common nature of the surname in Wales would make it a bit of a cow of a job in some respects).

What photos of Evans have you seen thus far?
Hi Inger.. Wish I had the time to do research but 'fraid not. The only photo I have seen so far is the one with Murdoch, Alexander & Smith on the bridge of the Olympic in their dark blue winter uniforms. I guess I was wondering if there would be one from the maiden voyage of Olympic in their summer whites? Oh well.. Thanks anyway for all your help. I do appreciate it and if I weren't busy with a family I'd try to tackle something like that myself. I was just curious because he seems like such an enigma (so unknown really). Once again thanks for all your help. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. Sincerely, Melissa K.