Ken Marschall Website Now Online

Thanks for the web address!
Can someone say "Mothers day?!" I'll combine "Birthday" to the list, for a print.

Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag! After many years of requests for affordable prints of Ken Marschall's art, and difficulty for him finding the time to assist, we at Trans-Atlantic Designs, Inc. (, are finally online and proud to offer Ken's many fans a selection of prints, posters, books, and other items.

We're still doing some polishing to text and weren't going to make a public announcement just yet, but what the heck. You've done it for us!

Our site will continue to grow and improve, offering an ever greater selection. Within a few days we will have the "shopping cart" thing going and can offer easy, secure online ordering. For the moment, however, the order form can be simply printed out and sent to us by mail.

Responding to demand, soon we will be launching a more personal sister site about the artist, with pages devoted to various aspects of his work, comprehensive galleries, and so on. Included will be a selection of original works available for sale, which were commissioned for books.

We hope E-T members enjoy our site and that you see something you like.

Best wishes,

Vern Shrock
Co-owner, Trans-Atlantic Designs, Inc.
Hi Vern!
I am very very happy to see this site up!
Im very glad to hear he will be selling some paintings too-

5 friends own Ken Marschall originals- My Titanic collection is incomplete until I too have a Ken Marschall on my wall......

A number of folks on this board, myself among them, have discussed now and again that a wonderful idea for a painting Ken could concider is how Titanic appeared the day after she sank- or one year after she sank- With paintwork intact, and falls still hanging from the few reamining davits.

Its just that all his amazing paintings of the sunken Titanic depict her caked in rust..It would be amazing to see a painting of a rust free Titanic, still rertaining obvious tarces of her former opulance.....

Ken did one in a similar theme depicting Andrea Doria as she appeared on the sea floor the day after the sinking.

I know Ken is a busy bee, but its just an idea...

Thanks for creating your art Ken! Once I pull my funds together, I do hope someday to commision a painting from you- guessed it, Titanic as she appeared on April 15 1913.....

Tarn Stephanos
Boston MA
And I hope our kind overseer Phil Hind will concider having a link on ET connecting folks to Ken's website. As Ken is the preeminate Titanic artist in this solar system, all Titanic buffs who visit ET should know where to find his webpage.
Just a suggestion Phil...

Tarn Stephanos

I have to at the moment settle for a personnel signed copy of the: "Greatest of the Works of Man" professionally framed with an acid free mounting and anti-glare UV glass.

In additional this print has Ken's personnel comments. It also has personnel comments and signatures from Melvinna Dean and Walter Lord.

But like you I would love to commission Ken, once the cash is available for a painting of the "Aquitania"

I have been waiting for the "Lusitania" sinking print which is in the coming soon section for years. I have just placed an reserve order for a remarqued copy. As several years back I remember a group of us asking Ken about getting a copy of the print published.

Now to get some-one to buy this as a gift for me is the next step as relatives are always buying me Ocean Liner stuff I already have, for my Birthday, Christmas, etc.
Thanks to the ever vigilant "Man-in-Black" Tennaro and to Vern Shrock for keeping us informed of the progress of the Trans-Atlantic Designs website (which is beautiful) and the new one that is to be launched.
This is a late post to this thread. I have a Ken Marschall print called 'The Maiden Voyage' (I got it out of a copy of Titanic An Illustrated History Paperback edition) hanging on my wall. I have it framed in a gold gilt frame. It is not a full size Ken Marschall but I had to settle for that.

That is until this website popped up. And now with online ordering I will be adding more Ken Marschall's to the walls of my Titanic room. Might even pick up his prints of other liners too.

Tarn, I too would be interested in a print of titanic 24 hours after the sinking. One of my favorites of the Andrea Doria is the one 24 hours after the sinking, with bubbles still escaping from the hull and the paint scheme still intact.

Vern, looking forward to the Ken Marschall site!
Hi everyone. I'm new to the boards. I was wondering if anyone has any contact info for Ken Marschall. I came a cross a thread from 2003 that mentions his information SHOULD be on his ET Profile, but I haven't been able to find any profiles.