I`'m from germany and try to research about the private servants.
y first question would have been about the food served to the servants in the maids and valets' dining saloon.
Now I have read Bob Godfreys post that no menu cards from this special dining saloon survived and that he suggests that the servants were provided with the full standard or somehow reduced/selected menus from the second class.
My second question is, which kind of china was used for the maids and valets' dining saloon?
My idea would be, that if they served the second class menus, this menus were served on the blue-and-white Delft china from the second class dining saloon.
Are there any other suggestions?
Third, I would like to know more about the reduced fares(prices,conditions)for the private servants.From where got the
first class passengers this information about the fares? from the WSL-Office, booklets?
Where can I read/learn more about that? (in which books or reprinted booklets?)