Dave Moran
Hello folks
For several years now I have trolled about the board, occasionally joining in discussions and learning an awful lot about the Titanic and related matters.
Throughout, a perennial interest is the whole " mystery ship " question - and in my time I have ran the gamut from anti-Lord to pro-Lord and back again.
In several posts, and in reviews of the book in the Titanic Book site, I have seen statements to the effect that Leslie Reade's book - The Ship That Stood Still- is flawed or that Reade picks out elements from the evidence that supports his theses and rejects other, contradictory evidence.
Now, I own a copy of his book, which I hunted down with no small difficulty, and w as impressed by it. However, as a student of history I have a keen desire for accuracy - the truth being a far more subjective matter - and thus I would appreciate if anyone knows what the flaws in the book are alleged to be ?
Thanks in advance
warmest regards
For several years now I have trolled about the board, occasionally joining in discussions and learning an awful lot about the Titanic and related matters.
Throughout, a perennial interest is the whole " mystery ship " question - and in my time I have ran the gamut from anti-Lord to pro-Lord and back again.
In several posts, and in reviews of the book in the Titanic Book site, I have seen statements to the effect that Leslie Reade's book - The Ship That Stood Still- is flawed or that Reade picks out elements from the evidence that supports his theses and rejects other, contradictory evidence.
Now, I own a copy of his book, which I hunted down with no small difficulty, and w as impressed by it. However, as a student of history I have a keen desire for accuracy - the truth being a far more subjective matter - and thus I would appreciate if anyone knows what the flaws in the book are alleged to be ?
Thanks in advance
warmest regards