Lifeboat Timelines

What do we know for sure about the order in which the lifeboats were launched and the estimated times of each launching? I know several folks have spent quite a bit of time researching lifeboats and I thought that some consensus had been reached on the timeline. If so, where can I find the timeline(s)?


Hi, Cal!

Bill and I have talked about publishing a complete, unedited version of our article on the web, but we haven't made a final decision about it yet. (If we decide to go ahead and do so, though, we'll definitely announce it here on ET and on Mark Taylor's Titanic Discuss Mailing List.)

All my best,

Cal - if you have any specific questions about our timeline, just ask and either George or Tad or I can explain why we put things in a certain order. I'm sure if you did see the timeline at our site, you saw we did *not* agree with certain parts of the British Inquiry timeline.
Bill - Thanks for the help. I was interested in #1 emergency boat. You pretty much agree with the launch time that the BOT has for that one, so that gets me over this hurdle, but I'm sure I'll have some questions later.

Thanks again,
