Lifeboat times at Carpathia

I have had a good look at this site but can find no referance to the order in which lifeboats were recovered by the Carpathia.
Who, on the Carpathia, was responsible for collecting the names of those rescued and from which lifeboat?
At what times were the lifeboats sighted, and in what order?
Any information?
The lists of names and other details of surviving passengers were compiled by the Carpathia's pursers, and those of the crew by 2nd Officer Lightoller (deck and engineering crew) and by the senior surviving steward, John Hardy (victualling staff). Unfortunately for us, nobody at that time made any attempt to associate the names with any particular lifeboat, so what is known (or speculated) about lifeboat occupancy comes rather from a great variety of testimonies and interviews, letters, memoirs, Press reports and, when all else fails, process of elimination.
Hello Dave,

For a possible sequence on the order in which the lifeboats were recoved by the Carpathia under the Message Board Tree View; look under: Which Lifeboat, then under: Lifeboats General go to: What was the correct order of the lifeboats to reached Carpathia?

I hope Hildo's post will be of help.
Thanks, Lester.
Just the job. Had a look and found what I wanted. The arrival of lifeboat 8 tallies with information from Tom, via Mary.
Thanks again.
I actually have the times that each lifeboat arrived at the Carpathia:
Lifeboat 2-----4:10 AM---17-----------17
Lifeboat 1-----4:40 AM---12-----------29
Lifeboat 13----4:45 AM---66-----------95
Lifeboat 9-----5:00 AM---45-----------140
Lifeboat 5-----5:05 AM---38-----------178
Lifeboat 7-----5:10 AM---26-----------204
Lifeboat 3-----5:55 AM---39-----------243
Lifeboat 6-----6:00 AM---26-----------269
Collapsible C--6:30 AM---46-----------315
Lifeboat 4-----6:55 AM---49-----------364
Lifeboat 8-----7:00 AM---26-----------390
Lifeboat 10----7:05 AM---34-----------424
Lifeboat 14----7:05 AM---44-----------468
Collapsible D--7:05 AM---21-----------489
Lifeboat 15----7:30 AM---70-----------559
Lifeboat 16----7:30 AM---37-----------596
Lifeboat 11----8:00 AM---55-----------651
Lifeboat 12----8:30 AM---23-----------674
Plus the survivors from Collapsibles A and B, which were rescued by Lifeboats 4, 12, and 14:
Collapsible A------------11-----------685
Collapsible B------------25-----------710
The final count was around 705 Survivors, 1500 perished. Lifeboats 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16 were hoisted aboard the Carpathia and brought to New York. Lifeboats 4, 14, 15, and the Collapsibles were cast adrift and disappeared.