I actually have the times that each lifeboat arrived at the Carpathia:
Lifeboat 2-----4:10 AM---17-----------17
Lifeboat 1-----4:40 AM---12-----------29
Lifeboat 13----4:45 AM---66-----------95
Lifeboat 9-----5:00 AM---45-----------140
Lifeboat 5-----5:05 AM---38-----------178
Lifeboat 7-----5:10 AM---26-----------204
Lifeboat 3-----5:55 AM---39-----------243
Lifeboat 6-----6:00 AM---26-----------269
Collapsible C--6:30 AM---46-----------315
Lifeboat 4-----6:55 AM---49-----------364
Lifeboat 8-----7:00 AM---26-----------390
Lifeboat 10----7:05 AM---34-----------424
Lifeboat 14----7:05 AM---44-----------468
Collapsible D--7:05 AM---21-----------489
Lifeboat 15----7:30 AM---70-----------559
Lifeboat 16----7:30 AM---37-----------596
Lifeboat 11----8:00 AM---55-----------651
Lifeboat 12----8:30 AM---23-----------674
Plus the survivors from Collapsibles A and B, which were rescued by Lifeboats 4, 12, and 14:
Collapsible A------------11-----------685
Collapsible B------------25-----------710
The final count was around 705 Survivors, 1500 perished. Lifeboats 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16 were hoisted aboard the Carpathia and brought to New York. Lifeboats 4, 14, 15, and the Collapsibles were cast adrift and disappeared.