Julian Atkins
Hi Steven,
That was also the conclusion of Lord Mersey at the British Inquiry, but without the considerable research of Sam Halpern. Lord Mersey didn’t really analyse any of the evidence and it’s problems. And came to the wrong conclusions as to the distance between Titanic and The Californian.
I myself think that David Dyer does go into this in considerably more further detail in his paper. It is a shame that he has not ever posted on here. I think David ought to review his paper again in the light of the publication of Sam’s book ‘Strangers on the Horizon’, and what Harland found in newspaper articles of Stone later having a nervous breakdown.
And there does remain very important primary source documents that has never yet been published. Captain Lord’s 21st May 1912 typed up statement referenced by Leslie Harrison and Paul Lee in the Liverpool maritime museum. Groves’ letters to Walter Lord in the National Maritime museum at Grenwich.
That was also the conclusion of Lord Mersey at the British Inquiry, but without the considerable research of Sam Halpern. Lord Mersey didn’t really analyse any of the evidence and it’s problems. And came to the wrong conclusions as to the distance between Titanic and The Californian.
I myself think that David Dyer does go into this in considerably more further detail in his paper. It is a shame that he has not ever posted on here. I think David ought to review his paper again in the light of the publication of Sam’s book ‘Strangers on the Horizon’, and what Harland found in newspaper articles of Stone later having a nervous breakdown.
And there does remain very important primary source documents that has never yet been published. Captain Lord’s 21st May 1912 typed up statement referenced by Leslie Harrison and Paul Lee in the Liverpool maritime museum. Groves’ letters to Walter Lord in the National Maritime museum at Grenwich.