Is there anyone who know much about the fact that for the British Enquiry the dices were loaded ? I read the "Tort, Law and Insurance Journal" that the insurance company "Herrington, Bigham and Englar" that was retained by the cargo insurer in 1912 to say whether the White Star Line and Steamship Co were responsible for the lost of Titanic and whether if both they could have legal proceedings against them or not. That insurance company was owed by the nephew of Lord Mersey, Henry Bigham. Moreover, Lord Mersey himself was General Counsel of the White Star Line at that moment... It was like asking to Hitler to be the commander chief officer of the Israël Police!!! And at the time, everybody found it normal to have Lord Mersey as president of the British Enquiry. It's astonishing! So is someone knows about that fact and could have some reading ideas on that matter ? If someone put hand on archives of Lord Mersey, could that person be kind enough to share its findings with me ? I'm translating all the British Enquiry in French and I would like to edit an e-book with analysis and hints to my readers, along with technical explanations (for instance, in Bride's testimony, I had explained how the TSF used to worked; in Fleet's testimony, I explained from a scientifically documentary of the BBC what actually was the strange fog of which he was taking about, etc.) for I'd like it to be very complete. So if anybody feel he or she could help me out, please don't hesitate! Thanks!