Lusitania Passenger List with Titanic Connections

Here is a Lusitania passenger list from the March 2, 1912 crossing Mike recently picked up. Our initial interest in acquiring it was fostered by the appearance of Mrs A.S. Witherbee, who would survive the fatal 1915 voyage, but as we read through it we were also surprised to see how many future Titanic survivors and victims congregated on that particular voyage. Have fun browsing through it. The Pears Soap add was also a Titanic link. "I Strauss?" Tempting to speculate, but probably not.


Thanks for sharing that Jim.

Do you mind if I ask - where was this? It looks like it's from a newspaper. I didn't know papers published full first-class passenger lists.
Hi Jim and Mike,

What a neat find! Thanks for sharing this information.

It was most interesting to see Henry Blank's name on the passenger list. His family and I had no idea what ship he traveled on his trip to Europe, or the specific date he sailed. In addition, there was speculation in my article on Henry Blank written years ago about when and where he met William Greenfield. I surmised that perhaps the two men met on the tender in Cherbourg, or even during the voyage on Titanic. However, after spying Greenfield's name on the Lusitania's passenger list, it is entirely possible that the two first met on this particular voyage, and it was more than just sheer coincidence that the two of them returned home on Titanic. I do wonder when Mrs. Greenfield sailed for Europe since she was not on the Lusitania passenger list, and of course returned home with her son on the Titanic.

Interesting to see the Thornton Davidsons, Edgar and Leila Meyer, W. F. Hoyt and even Manuel R. Uruchurtu who we were previously discussing on another thread.

Thanks again for sharing this find, Jim and Mike. It's wonderful that information like this continues to appear to further our knowledge on this subject.


Hi, Brian and Mike: The list was from the ship's newspaper. Passenger lists and manifests from just before and just after major catastrophes always make for interesting reading, but this one was a particulary rich vein so to speak. Mike, I think that your are most likely correct that if Greefield and Blank did not already know one another at this point, then this was the logical place for a first meeting.
The funny thing is that I did not see the ad for Pears soap (Thomas and Edith Pears-Titanic) until Jim pointed it out. So there was another connection. What an ill-fated list!
Okay this seemed like the place to post this:
Hit me over the head or something, but this is really buggin' me. Is there anyone out there in Titanic land that can set me straight on the crew member known as Frank Tower??? Could be more urban legend than fact, but I think I read somewhere (Last Voyage Of The Lusitania???) about the aforementioned Mr Tower who supposedly swam away from Titanic, Empress Of Ireland, and Lusitania only to die in WW1.??!!!