Maddox's 2007 April Fools Titanic Documentary

Paul Rogers

Some may have come across a gentleman called Maddox who, according to Wikipedia, is described as follows: "George Ouzounian, better known by his pen name Maddox, is an American satirist of Armenian descent, who currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is the author of the website The Best Page in the Universe."

I admit that I am a fan.

Taken from his website:
As of this writing, there are only two living survivors of the Titanic, and both of them claim to have been babies and too young to remember what happened.

Even though some of the world's richest and most famous passengers were on the ship, not a single video was made of the Titanic sinking.

Abraham Lincoln dies the exact same day the Titanic sinks, except 47 years prior! The Titanic had the capacity to carry 3,547 passengers aboard! They both have 47!!!!

When will you sheeple realize that you're being lied to? How many amateur documentaries must be made using stock footage before you believe that we're important?
This is a link to his spoof Titanic documentary for April Fools Day. It's quite amusing:

Let the conspiracy theories flourish!
Paul, I am concerned about the rather jovial tone of your tag line. You should be aware that so-called 'conspiracy theories' aren't just a set of ideas formulated in isolation by diverse loonies. There's a pattern to them. Clearly they are disparate elements of an overall strategy by world governments to distract us from the things we should really be puzzling over and worrying about. All those people reading about the Titanic/Olympic switch, for instance, are diverted from awareness of plots to pollute our vital juices or to replace world leaders with alien beings. So next time you hear about a new conspiracy theory, don't just laugh at it. Be aware of the real conspiracy which lies behind it. Remain vigilant at all times. And if anyone asks - you ain't seen me, roight?
Hi Bob.

"All those people reading about the Titanic/Olympic switch, for instance, are diverted from awareness of plots to [...] replace world leaders with alien beings."

Too late! You remember Margaret Thatcher, don't you? ;)

The attached image may pretty well sum up the situation re: world leaders and alien beings...
Guys, you realize that if you keep on talking about our neferious plot to take over the world such crazy things, we'll have to Pick you up in the middle of the night and take you out to the municiple firing range for summary execution take you to the re-education facility to silence cure you of your delusions.

(Don't mind the black helicopters hovering over your house. They really don't exist!)

aaaaaaaahhhh Mr. Standart, you're too much:D I can't believe that I've been stuck in their lab on Neptune for months, please help you're such a jokester!