Major Arthur Peuchen RE: "One whole family escapes from the Titanic" - caption provided by Rosanne MacIntyre. Please note Major Peuchen was returning from a business engagement. His wife, son and daughter were NOT aboard RMS Titanic, but safe at their home on Jarvis Street in Toronto, Ontario at the time of the sinking. Peuchen was ordered aboard Lifeboat Number 6, when it was discovered that no ABS had manned the boat. Second Officer Lightoller asked if there were any men on the deck of the Titanic who were qualified seaman. Peuchen came forward stating he was yachtsman with the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto and was an experienced sailor. Lightoller then permitted Peuchen to climb down the falls to the lifeboat, then hanging halfway down the side of the side of Titanic. To protect himself from allegations of cowardice, he requested Lightoller to sign a letter while on board the rescue ship Carpathia, stating that he (Peuchen) had been ordered by Lightoller into a lifeboat. However, Peuchen traveled alone aboard Titanic. No member of his family were aboard.