Marion Smith



I wonder if anyone may have any info they would like to share with me regarding Marion(annie) Smith 2nd class passenger. I am trying to trace her family history. I have an intrest in the above lady due to the fact my husband owns a marconigram she tried to have sent from the carpathia but was never transmitted (Sent to tighe 36 Wanlip road) and would love to know more about her and her life before and after titanic. I have done a bit of research she had already travelled twice to New York before Titanic She changed her name between 1901 and 1905 to Marion Smith from Annie Smith which she was christened in 1870. I have some family history her mother, brother, father etc. I would love to know on which ship she travelled back on from New York after the titanic disaster, What she did with her life i know she went back to live with her mother and died in 1940 and is buried in an unmarked plot? any info i would be grateful for

I hope i haven't bored u all too much
Hi Rosalyn,
Here is the entry for Marion Smith from my data base:
SMITH, MISS MARION ELSIE. Saved in Lifeboat number 10. Booking Agent:- Finlinson, The Cross, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK. En route to Mrs. Kelly, 68 West 71st Street, New York City.
Insurance claim B216. Property: $478.
Marconigram sent 18th April 1912 to: Smith, 12 New Road, Basingstoke, Hants. - ''Safe Carpathia. - Marion''.
Marion Smith was the intended daughter in law of one Fanny Kelly who lived at 68 West 71st Street, New York City where Mr. Kelly operated a hotel.
She was a lady's maid and had crossed many times before.
Her property claim against the White Star Line was for $478.
(From the Basingstoke local paper April 1912 - from Peter Chamberlain - 1986)
Among the passengers on board the ill-fated liner Titanic was Miss Marion Smith, whose mother resides in New Road. Miss Smith who was a lady's maid and had many times crossed the Atlantic, booked her passage through Mr. C. J. Finlinson, the local agent for the White Star Line, by whose persuasion she fortunately insured her luggage for £50. The first telegram which Mr. Finlinson received from the Company's office at Southampton said: ''No official news, Titanic reported proceeding slowly. Passengers all safe.'' A subsequent telegram conveyed the news that Miss Marion Smith had been transferred to the Carpathia. Miss Smith's grandfather will be remembered as having reached the age of one hundred years. He was one of the soldiers who kept guard over Napoleon at St. Helena. He afterwards served as a postman. All who know Miss Smith and her relatives in Basingstoke will rejoice with them that she is among the saved.
Smith, Marion (Annie), Miss. Survivor. Second Class passenger. She passed away on December 13th 1940 aged 70 years and was buried in an unmarked plot (B575) in the Worting Road Cemetery, Basingstoke, Hampshire.

I hope that helps?
