Medal issued by German government

Hello all,

Perhaps this should be under the heading of Lusitania myths, but what I wanted to know if anyone has the facts behind the story (true, untrue?) of the German government striking a gold coin or medal to celebrate the sinking? (This would be during the war, of course). I have read (and I can't remember which book) that this was actually a piece of British propaganda, but then the PBS documentary on World War I repeated the story as if true.

Thanking you in advance,

Fred Pelka
Fred, the Germans did produce a medallion with the inscription 'business above everything', hoping to score a propaganda point by showing Cunard's callous disregard for its passengers in putting them at risk on a 'blockade runner'. The British turned this to their advantage by making and distributing copies of what they then described as a medal to commemorate the sinking.
To continue on with my prior post relating to the Lusitania medal I have scanned my original version of the second Geotz medal in much greater detail to illustrate some of the difference's I had pointed out prior in greater detail.

Any original German medal will be solid bronze, "some" of the British reproductions were originally bronze plated, and also have the MAI 5, 1915 and corrected date of MAI 7, 1915. (As I have one of these also in my collection)

S. Anderson Collection, 2003
Lusitania Medal Obverse

The quickest way to tell if you have an original is how is MAY spelled MAI or MAY. Also the original text will read "DEP." on reproductions it looks as if it is "DER." It is also Grossdampfer- on the reproductions the "-" will be missing. Also the originals will have "5." or "7." on the reproductions there is no "." Also the "U" in Lusitania will look more like a "V" on the original. This is illustrated in the enlargement below.

S. Anderson Collection, 2003
Lusitania medal obverse text detail

As for the originals the relief on the reverse will be of much greater detail and depth as illustrated below

S. Anderson Collection, 2003
Lusitania Medal Reverse

The original reverse will have marks ".." over the "A" and the "V" in Gesch"a"ft "V"ber Alles and the ch will be attached to each other. As shown in the illustration below.

S. Anderson Collection, 2003
Lusitania Medal Reverse text Detail

If the medal meets all these tests the next test is, does a magnet stick to it if it does it is a bronze plated copy/fake.

The originals will be much thinner and have a much higher relief detail.

In 99.9% of the cases the copy that you will have is one of the various British copies of which and estimated 350,000 copies were made.

As for the estimated figures for the original Geotz version dated MAI 5, 1915 this is around 430-450 copies, and between 40-45 copies of the second version dated MAI 7, 1915.

So you finally got on the ET Board, Now all we need is Phil Hayward to join the party.

I wonder if it looks like the same one someone else use to have also?