I'd best not provide a detailed description of spotted dick, Sandy, as we don't want you colonials having nightmares. Suffice it to say that it makes an excellent follow-up to a main course of toad in the hole with a side dish of bubble & squeak. Glad to see that you've been lining your ribs with beans on toast, which is staple fare on this side of the Pond and good practice should you ever be tempted to cross the Atlantic to indulge your developing taste for fine dining. Be sure, however, to avoid the bland Heinz variety. Always demand the much more tasty Crosse & Blackwell beans, which disappeared from the market for a while but have now returned under the Branston label. That's Branston famous for their pickles, not Branson of Virgin fame. Builders, by the way, are the only people with any money in the UK these days. So they've given up on tea and developed a taste for Chí¢teau Lafite Rothschild.
Now I have to impart some sad news for all those of you who may be planning a trip to Woolwich in SE London to sample that wonderful menu shown above. Too late I'm afraid, as the eel and pie emporium in question closed its doors for the last time a couple of years ago owing to a growing shortage of dangerous-looking patrons. What a relief, Mon, that we got there just in time.