Modelling the Smoking Room

That looks good Daeniel. I haven't finished my Smoking Room as there is still a lot more to do to it yet. I will attempt to load an image of it that I took a couple of weeks ago...I hope it works alright!
I haven't touched my models much at all this year...just can't get into the swing of it. The Turkish Bath and Lounge ones are done but the Smoking Room one has heaps still to do on it. I would love to make some staterooms in the scale of Barbie dolls...the amount of detail etc would be better....and my nieces would love playing with it!
I would LOVE to have enough money to build a full-scale replica! I would love a house big enough to fit it in too! I haven't done any modelling since Nov 2006, but I think I will do some more soon so that I can finish off the smoking Room and post more pics of it....I have ordered "Titanic-The Ship Magnificent" and am hoping that I might be able to find out more info of what various details were like before I finish the save me having to go back and re-do things that I got wrong

Having just received my copy of Titanic the Ship Magnificent, I am having another burst of model first in a year and a half...maybe I will get the Smoking Room finished yet!
I would love to get the book but I live in the United States of America and stuff like this takes ages to become available in the U.S.A. I had to wait some 6 - 7 months for Ship Simulator 2008 to become available to me. So if it is not by an American team or author.. I have to wait a terribly long time. US Customs would not allow certain Titanic books in America because they are not "Politically Correct" And that does nothing but to anger me. I hear how great they all are and how enlightening they are and all this good stuff but if I were found with any of them. I would be arrested with tones of law suits placed on me by the political group that caused the political correctness to be in effect and the federal and the state and all of this stuff and crap.

So I am hoping and praying that this book will become available to us in the States. Had to wait long before I could get Peter Davies-Garners book.

The authors of the book are a mixed lot - Bruce and Scott are in the US and Steve and I are in Australia ... and the books were published in the UK. But fear not, Bruce has made an announcement on the TTSM messageboard that the US distributors have the books and are currently filling the orders including those of Amazon etc. Hopefully they will be available very soon.


US Customs would not allow certain Titanic books in America because they are not "Politically Correct"

What are you referring to here? I've ordered all sorts of Titanic material from literally all over the word, and have never had any problems with U.S. Customs for any reason, let alone the "political correctness" of any book.
>>US Customs would not allow certain Titanic books in America because they are not "Politically Correct"<<

I'd like to know where that little gem came from as well. The U.S. Customs Service could care less if the content of a book is whatever happens to be "politically correct" by whatever empty suits are in power, but they are prfoundly concerned about whether or not all the taxes, fees, tariffs and duties are paid.

Like MAB, I've ordered several Titanic books from the UK and never once had a problem getting them. The bottleneck, if anything, was having enough copies to meet domestic demand before trying to take care of the overseas market.

>>I would be arrested with tones of law suits placed on me by the political group that caused the political correctness to be in effect and the federal and the state and all of this stuff and crap.<<

Excuse me? Political groups do not have police powers and cannot make arrests. Your statement makes no sense at all.
Well, I am still on my big spurt of model-building at the mo and in the last month or so have been able to build the portside funnel casing along with the stained glass windows, the forward wall on the portside and have put together the basic structure of the forward port bay window. I haven't made any of the furniture for this part of the room yet and was a bit worried last week when I went to buy more burgundy vinyl to imitate the leather when I found that they didnt have any left, but since then I have been back and found nearly a full roll of it hidden under a heap of other rolls of fabric on the shop floor. Having looked at the pics in Titanic the Ship Magnificent and then relooking at ones from my other books I realised that I had made a BIG mistake with the decoration of the web frame thingy...I had always thought that it was an arched mirror, but now I realise it was an arched window! ...So I have fixed that up now
Hi Sean. I will post pics when I can
I was wondering though...seeing as I am getting close to doing the ceiling, if anyone out there knows whereabouts on the ceiling those little decorative air vent covers were situated? I have looked at all the photos I can find and cant se them on the ceiling anywhere in the main body of the room and I am wondering if maybe they were attached to the ceiling in the bays?? Thanks for your help