Molly Brown's cabin


Just thought I'd mention it here for anyone interested. I've written an article about which deck and cabin Molly Brown occupied. The article will be printed in the March 2002 issue of the White Star Journal, which is the Irish Titanic Historical Society quarterly journal. I wrote this article about a year ago, so I'm glad to have it finally see print.


I kept waiting for that to see the light of the printed page, Daniel, O M. Being a member of the ITHS I will be looking forward to seeing it.

Keep up the good work, sir.

Your Texas bud,
Congratulations Daniel for this achievement! I know you've been awaiting this moment for a good period of time now. I wish you the best of luck, and I look forward to have an eye on the finished result of the article (I did see the unfinished manuscript).

Warm regards,

Congratulations!!! I guess I have to join the ITHS so that I can READ it! I just watched a fascinating little ditty on the Molly Brown house and the rumors of it being haunted. I bet that Jim Cameron would be interested in the Molly Brown room as well as he was searching for something that may have given him a clue as to which was Molly's room. How exciting for you! Good Show!

Thanx guys for the kind words, on ET and off ET. It's greatly appreciated!

Danny boy,
I just received my March edition of the ITHS journal yesterday, and may I say I found your article on Molly Brown's cabin extremely interesting. It was very well researched and well presented. I am now totally convinced that Molly Brown's cabin was on E-Deck and not on B-Deck as previously thought. Congratulations - you'd make a fine journalist! Thanks for a good read - I thoroughly enjoyed it. All in all, this month's journal was very, very interesting. Thankfully I was home alone last night so I could read it in peace. Anyway, congratulations once again! Keep up the good work!
Best Wishes!

I know you must be proud of the Molly Brown article and so you should be. I'm proud of it as well, and of you. You've proven yourself a sterling young researcher and I feel this is the beginning of many great things for you. I am honored to greet you at the threshold of your promising career.


Hi guys!

The Australian post lags a bit so I haven't received my copy of the White Star Journal yet. I'm expecting it any day now!

I have various people to thank for helping me with the article and making it possible. Sen Molony didn't have space at the end for an acknowledgement list. I will post one here at a later date, as the people deserve their due credit!

I originally was going to have a photo with the article depicting Molly's cabin. This I was unable to do. I don't know if Sen included 'a' picture of a cabin, but here's my rough sketch for Molly's cabin:


Don't worry, Daniel - I'm just across the Irish Sea, and I haven't received my copy yet either! Looking forward to reading your article tremendously.

~ Ing

I finally received the White Star Journal today! Inger, I enjoyed your article immensely! It is very well written and very interesting. I'm more of a passenger person, rather than crew or officers, but anything you write keeps me gripped to the text (this includes ET as well)!

My article is in the same issue, and I would certainly like to thank Senan Molony for his skillful editing (or should I say butchering ;)) job.

Also I would like to thank the following people who have helped me with the article. Be it planting the seeds of doubt about the common belief that Molly was on B deck, prompting me to get the account, proofreading and helping me with the construction of the article and the evidence that best supports my claim. My most greatful thanks go to the following people:




I was warned about butchering, sorry I meant editing. However I was very pleased about the final result. I expected cutting 3 pages off my article would kill it but Sen did it very successfully! I only still call it "butchering" because of the amount of pages that were "edited" off the article!

Erik, Tracy, and myself had quite a bit of help getting our own article written, particularly from George Behe who helped us clear up a lot of inconsistancies and avoid some mistakes and also David Brown who was basically the editor and who put our material together in such a fashion as to make it more readable.

This was our first stab at writing and it was quite a revealing experience. I certainly came out with a much better understanding of what professional authors have to deal with in their work. One of the biggest challanges was the fact that we did most of our collaboration by way of the internet.

I'm not a member of ITHS yet, but that's something I mean to correct in the very near future. Congratulations on being published, Daniel!

Michael H. Standart