Henry Loscher
Michael, Morgan Robertson wrote more tales than just Futility. I was lucky to have purchased 4 books in a matched set set of Morgan Robertson's works, They are:
Book 1 Copyright 1899 by The Century Co. (A collection of short stories) Where Angels Fear to Tread first published in the Atlantic Monthly The Brain of the Battle-ship, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Wigwag Message, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Trade-wind, first published in Collier's Weekly Salvage, first published in the Century Magazine Between the Millstones, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Battle of the Monsters, first published in the Saturday Evening Post From the Royal-Yard Down, first published in Ainslee's Magazine Needs Must When the Devil Drives, first published in McClure's Syndicate When Greek Meets Greek, first published in McClure's Syndicate Promordial, first published in Harper's Monthly Magazine
Book 2, Copyright 1901 by Curtis Publishing Co. and Copyright 1901 by Doubleday, Page and Co. Masters of Men, A Romance of the New Navy, published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine
Book 3 Copyright 1905 by Harper & Brothers, published March, 1905 Published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine The Closing of the Circuit A Cow, Two Men, and a Parson The Rivals, A Chemical Comedy A Hero of the Cloth The Subconscious Finnegan The Torpedo The Submarine Fifty Fathoms Down The Enemies The Vitality of Dennis The Helix The Shark The Mutiny
Book 4 Copyright 1898 by M.F. Mansfield and Copyright 1912 by Morgan Robertson Published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine The Wreck of the Titan, or Futility The Pirates Beyond the Spectrum In the Valley of the Shadow
Morgan Robertson forte seems to have been short nautical tales. All the above works are short stories except for Msters of Men, a full size novel, and The Pirates which was almost long enough to be a novel.
Hope this is of interest to you.
Regards, Henry Loscher
Book 1 Copyright 1899 by The Century Co. (A collection of short stories) Where Angels Fear to Tread first published in the Atlantic Monthly The Brain of the Battle-ship, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Wigwag Message, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Trade-wind, first published in Collier's Weekly Salvage, first published in the Century Magazine Between the Millstones, first published in the Saturday Evening Post The Battle of the Monsters, first published in the Saturday Evening Post From the Royal-Yard Down, first published in Ainslee's Magazine Needs Must When the Devil Drives, first published in McClure's Syndicate When Greek Meets Greek, first published in McClure's Syndicate Promordial, first published in Harper's Monthly Magazine
Book 2, Copyright 1901 by Curtis Publishing Co. and Copyright 1901 by Doubleday, Page and Co. Masters of Men, A Romance of the New Navy, published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine
Book 3 Copyright 1905 by Harper & Brothers, published March, 1905 Published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine The Closing of the Circuit A Cow, Two Men, and a Parson The Rivals, A Chemical Comedy A Hero of the Cloth The Subconscious Finnegan The Torpedo The Submarine Fifty Fathoms Down The Enemies The Vitality of Dennis The Helix The Shark The Mutiny
Book 4 Copyright 1898 by M.F. Mansfield and Copyright 1912 by Morgan Robertson Published by McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine The Wreck of the Titan, or Futility The Pirates Beyond the Spectrum In the Valley of the Shadow
Morgan Robertson forte seems to have been short nautical tales. All the above works are short stories except for Msters of Men, a full size novel, and The Pirates which was almost long enough to be a novel.
Hope this is of interest to you.
Regards, Henry Loscher