John Charles Bigham, Viscount Mersey (1840-1929)
I thought a few little facts about Mersey, supplied by my kinfolk, the English Bighams, might be amusing. According to them, Mersey liked chicken sandwiches and ate several a day. He also had a crush on the music hall diva Marie Lloyd and wrote her adoring fan letters. He was pals with Gilbert & Sullivan, who were his contemporaries, attending both their funerals. Into his old age, Mersey amused dinner guests with quips and songs from their work, including a particularly lilting:
"...And ev'ry one will say,
As you walk your mystic way,
'If this young man expresses himself in terms too deep for me,
Why, what a very singularly deep young man this deep young man must be!...'"
Also worth mentioning: Mersey's son, Captain the Hon. Clive Bigham, supposedly had to wake him up from naps several times during the Titanic Inquiry! This will not surprise detractors of my esteemed distant cousin.
(who has inherited his forebear's love of barnyard foul for lunch and his misfortune in taking rather grim-faced photos!)