A neigbour ship, the New York, I believe, was fast moving toward us. I learned from a stranger standing next to me that the cables of the New York must have been broken by the force of the suction created by our giant engines.
He turned toward me and said, "This is a bad omen. Do you love life?"
"I love it," I replied.
"Then get off this ship at Cherbourg, if we get that far. That's what I'm going to do."
I laughed it off and quoted the glowing accounts I had read of the unsinkability of our steamer. I never saw him again. He may have landed at Cherbourg.
The danger was over inless time than I am telling it, and we went proundly on our way.
Rene Harris, 'Her Husband Went Down with the Titanic',
Liberty pp. 26 - 27, 23 April 1932