My first Titanic drawing

hello all
here is my first titanic drawing I drew at about 6 years. It does lack in detail, but I was 6!
You should be proud of yourself, that has detail enough. My two older daughters have tried to draw Titanic, one made the ship look like a bowl of flowers, the other like a birthday cake! You must have started Titano-mania quite young.
Thanks Ann! Yeah, I did actually start pretty young. I saw ANTR when I was quite young and I was fascinated from then. I guess I just watched A Night to Remember WAY too much and and memorized how it looked. Thanks again!

"I believe you may get your headline, Mr. Ismay."
Thanks Robert. Yeah and about that, if you zoom in, you can see a little speck that's suppose to be Thanks again.

"I believe you may get your headline, Mr. Ismay."
Thanks George! I never was really good at drawing anything until I sparked up a fascination with the Titanic. Like I said I saw ANTR CONSTANTLY and memorized the basic details. Thanks again for your nice compliments.
"I believe you may get your headline, Mr. Ismay."
Thanks George
I don't think I'll ever match up with Ken himself but who's to say a guy can't keep tryin?! lol Once again thanks you everyone for your nice comments. I really didn't think my drawing was anything compared to the other ones on ET but you have proven me wrong. Thanks again.
I believe you may get your headline, Mr. Ismay."