D Dominik Guest Oct 24, 2010 #1 here are all pictures (cause its obviously hard to upload a lot of pictures [FLAGGED BROKEN IMAGES]
R Rocky Whiteside Member Oct 24, 2010 #2 This is really good! What are you using to build it? Oh, I know it's not my place, but you have to have a first and last name on here.
This is really good! What are you using to build it? Oh, I know it's not my place, but you have to have a first and last name on here.
D Dominik Tezyk Member Oct 24, 2010 #3 Hey Rocky.. I have updated it but its not updating I do use Autodesk Maya
M Michael H. Standart Member Oct 25, 2010 #4 >>I have updated it but its not updating << It did as of this posting, Dominik. Sometimes, it takes the software a few minutes to catch up to current events.
>>I have updated it but its not updating << It did as of this posting, Dominik. Sometimes, it takes the software a few minutes to catch up to current events.
C Christian Stenfelt Member Oct 28, 2010 #6 That looks great Dominik! I'm looking forward to see the result! Best regards, Christian