National Geographic Titanic How it really Sank

I doubt there's much use in me posting this 10 minutes prior to it coming on, but this documentary is new to me and I just ran across it while channel surfing.

It's coming on the National Geographic Channel at 10:00pm US Central Time.
I thought it was dreadful.

The same false and piped-up claims that further misinformation in order to get ratings. This woman doing YET ANOTHER analysis of the rivets had pretty flimsy arguments. The re-enactments were cheesy and poorly produced.

The only thing I learned was about Blair...who I didn't even know existed.

Other than that, it was pretty boring and falsified. And this constant bashing people who were in charge is disrespectful and nasty. Utterly lacking in class.

I get incredibly tired of this practice of inventing issues just to squeeze another doc out of the subject. What happened to just accepting that things go wrong and portraying events as they actually happened?
I saw this last night as it ran from 11:00 to midnight where I lived. Some of it was marginally all right but they lost me when they started beating up on that whole binoculars legend.

>>What happened to just accepting that things go wrong and portraying events as they actually happened?<<

Got round filed because it doesn't attract advertisers.
>>Well, I don't like it.<<

Welcome to the club. Among serious researchers and historians, you have a lot of company.

What bothers me is that the simple expediant of doing some basic reasearch among primary sources could avoid a lot of the pitfalls and the repeatition of the legend.
>>Some of it was marginally all right but they lost me when they started beating up on that whole binoculars legend.<<

LOL I thought about you when they started going into that and shook my head.

I agree with all the reviews. Just simply awful. Basically a rehash of 3 documentaries I could name right off hand with some new CGI effects thrown in. They didn't even touch on the break-up, though, I'm not really surprised.

I wish Mr. Cameron would come out of Titanic Retirement. He seems to be about the only one who is interested in exploration and showing us something new versus putting new spins on old
hash. (Mr. Richie and Chatterton's expeditions
and documentaries not included in that
"What bothers me is that the simple expediant of doing some basic reasearch among primary sources could avoid a lot of the pitfalls and the repeatition of the legend."

And amen to that. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if everyone did more 'basic research' including many who have placed into the public domain falsehoods. It is not unknown either for no apologies or retractions to occur when things have been proven to be false.