National Geographic's Disasters at Sea

Disasters at Sea comes on tonight, Sunday, April 23rd at 8 East Coast time with plenty of commentary about what Titanic 1997, the movie, got right or wrong- looks good! This show was preceeded by an excellent production on the San Francisoco earthquake, the centennial was just this past week.
National Geo channel- sorry! Perfect Storm, Abyss, several Titanic versions, the new and old Poseidon Adventure are featured as well as science versus Hollywood. The films come off pretty true to science glad to note. Worth watching.
Hi Shelley. Missed that tonight. I would have liked to see the documentary on the San Francisco eathquake of 1906. I was so amazed to read some of the survivors stories in our local paper concerning that disaster. Its hard to believe that there are still people around who can tell us these stories.
Check your listings- National Geo and History channel both tend to repeat programs throughout the week. The cover-up after the quake was really an eyeopener to me- as it was publicized mostly as a fire rather than a quake so the city would not lose credibility as a financial center of the west coast. All the fat cats of the era knew how to do damage control!
Behind the scenes of maritime disasters, such as Poseidon, Titanic, The Perfect Storm, and The Abyss, with interviews with Cameron, Marchall, and of course Ballard, who’s latest comments “It sank, get over it” don’t quite ring true considering that Titanic was and is his claim to fame and fortune…but I digress. I checked the National Geographic channel website and the doc will be aired again on Sunday, May 14 at 11:00pm.

The doc shows how these ocean disaster-type movies are developed for the big-screen and the accuracies or inaccuracies of the realism in the movie. I enjoyed it. Here is the link to upcoming times for this program.

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted as a separate thread, has been moved to this pre-existing one addressing the same program. MAB]