New Titanic game is on the way

Hi Mikael!
Do you know if or when this game is due for release? it didnt say on the website.
Also, are they going to release the game in stages, for example, a titanic survivor format then a 9/11 format etc etc or will they all be on one disk.
From the screenshots (although none of Titanic) it looks quite good and like GTA.
This game will probably be very realistic. I googled for the game and find out that it will be released in the spring 2006. There are no screenshots of the Titanicmission yet, but I will post them here as soon as I got any.

From their homepage:

"Find a way from the third class throughflooded decks, hallways, crowds in panic and the ice-cold sea to get a floating piece of wood..."
Mikael, since copyright issues will certainly apply, it would be better to post a link to the screensots if they're made available on-line. If not, be sure you have permission from the owners to do so. I don't mean to be a crashing boor, but copyright matters are and have to be taken very seriously here.
It would be appropriate to have a new Titanic game. Titanic AOOT was released in November of '96 and the company that produced it has gone bust. It's about time we had a new Titanic game that's even more detailed and realistic than Titanic AOOT.

I think the game is barely past the conceived stage of its life. They've not begun the Titanic part of the game yet, but they do intend to recreate her as accurately as possible.


With the prospect of this new Titanic game on the horizon, we might as well fantasize as to what we expect from this game.

I have a question. Aside from the Grand Staircase, what areas would people most like to see recreated in this new game? My main interest in Titanic is 1st class interiors, so I would really like to see both promenade suites recreated accurately for once. This includes both promenades, all 6 cabins, both bathrooms and the wardrobe rooms. Of course I would also like to see the B deck reception room recreated!


By general rooms, do you mean the general 'taste' for third class accommodation, or litelrally the two rooms aft on C deck? I actually would be really interested to see both these rooms recreated.

Does anyone think this thread is a little misplaced now and should be moved elsewhere? Maybe I should open up another thread for this discussion in the technical section?

Nah, leave it here Daniel, it's doing no harm.

By general rooms, I mean third class public areas where steerage entertained themselves, let their hair down and enjoyed a pint or two.


If anybody hears anything else about this upcoming game, please let us know!!! FINALLY!! A new Titanic game. I've played Adventure out of Time so much that I've got the damn dialog memorized. lol. I'm bored with it! Plus you can't move around in it properly. And the screen is too small. It was a great game considering when it came out, but now, being 10 years later, it's time for something a little "newer".

I would be interested in seeing the Dining Saloon, Reading/Writing Room, and the 1st Class Restaurant recreated. I've never played Adventure Out of Time so I'm unaware of these rooms being in that game but I'd love to see them nonetheless.