New Titanic game is on the way

Has anyone heard about this game lately? Is there actually even going to be one? There really needs to be. Either one that takes place on the historical Titanic, preferably with a full interior recreation ;-) or, they need to make a game or program that lets you dive DIRECTLY to the wreck without having to figure a bunch of stupid stuff out, and let you explore recreations of everything they've found on the interior and exterior. I know it'd take a TON of work for either game, but I would be willing to pay a little extra for a game that met those standards, or something similar. I know they're limited with what they can do still, but not very. Someone tell us if they've heard anything about this new game. Thanks!

I enjoyed Adventure Out Of Time immensely when it came out and played it repeatedly for the next few years after its release but with more advancements, it is indeed time for a new Titanic game.

Has anyone who has XP been able to play AOOT? I've found unfortunately that a lot of great games I could play on older models seem to be no longer compatible once you move up to 2000 or XP.
Hi Eric
I have Windows XP and have loaded AOOT onto my system with no problems, it plays much much better than on my old Windows 95. Although it does sometimes "freeze up" without any clues why, and if youve got quite far and havent saved, its a big pain in the butt!
I also have played AOoT on XP Professional, after playing it on Windows 3.11, 95 and 98 (it really has been a while, hasn't it?). Even the demo runs OK.

If it doesn't go too well without the compatibility mode, try selecting the "Run in 256 colors" and "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution" options, which I had to do. Like Gary said, saving frequently can prevent some irritating moments. Good luck!
Anyone heard any rumors lately about this "new game"? I'm really ready for there to be a new Titanic game. And not one when the ship is sinking there's all of 8 people standing on the boat deck *AOOT*.
Did anyone else notice that when the ships going down in AOOT you can't: Use the Promenade deck, the interior rooms don't tilt but the boat deck does, you see the ship sink lower in the videos, but the boat deck always stays at the same degree of tilt, you never tromp through water on the inside of the ship, I could go on and on.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game to this day and still play it. Those are just some things that I would like to see changed. Cameron outta helm a new Titanic game. You know then it'd be outta this world!!!

Please someone let us know about this new Titanic game project. I wonder if it was scrapped, because I noticed this forum was started in November of last year and nobody's really heard anything "concrete" since then. I clicked on the link and that site is no longer there. *shrug* Any suggestions?

Oh wow, so it hasn't even really started being made then yet? That sux. They're looking for people to invest in it. That could take years!
Well, at least it's nice to know that somebody's out there at least TRYING to make a new game featuring Titanic. Here's hoping.

From the looks of it, its going to be a sinking titanic simulation? Would have to be considering it states what it would be like in the disasters. I just hope that its not like cyberflix`s game where the ship stays even in the very begining with the folksel flooded even when the video shows water just starting to flood the welldeck, and i hope it has the water inside the ship. i mean hell it shown the clip where the water broke in through the dome and the staircase flooded but i still used that staircase after the clip how funny
Hi Eric
I just bought AOOT a couple of weeks ago and had problems with the installation on my computer, I have XP with service pack 2. I gott a message that said:
"16 bit Windows Subsystem - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application."

A friend gave me this link:

It seems that SP2 deletes the autoexec-file but if you have that problem check out that link where it describes how to make it works again. I did that and after that I could install the game. But the problems weren't over. Then I got the error that I didn't have enough memory. I asked here at this forum and got some ideas how I could do. But when I sat down to try these solutions the game worked and have been working since.
Discussions certainly do range around on this board at times. Eva's fairly new and I suspect she was temporarily lost, as she certainly found her way to the discussions about help on AOoT. To be fair, most of the posts in here do mention the new game - although one from 22 July doesn't. ;)