New Titanic game is on the way

Gary, don't think that for a moment. Helping other people if you've worked out some of the technical problems is a lovely thing to do. If you've got anything else to add that might help someone, hop right in: Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

Sadly that link Mikael posted late last year is long dead, so AOoT is probably still the best Titanic game option.
Fiona. The link is not dead. It has been moved to

So there is still hope

best regards, Mikael
I wonder if this game will be good grafically? i mean Its just, it promises the use of the locations to a very good extent. And although im not expecting to be able to see all around Titanics Interior, i reckon it might be just like AOOT, locked out of all the good rooms. If not, the grafics might be crap!
Looks like this game is going to be released in june this year.

Theres no mention of september 11 being part of the game as well now, I have to say I'd be quite pleased if there was not, some of these events seem way too modern for an entertainment purpose yet.
On saying that though I would be interested to see the Titanic section, just hope they do an accurate reconstruction.
Well I just hope that the game comes out. My Titanic AOOT cd1 cracked from so much use and I seriously need to see a Titanic game that like said above thatis a realistic sinking such as water being inside the ship and not video clips that shows a room is flooding but yet the room is bone dry after the video clip.