Mark Baber
The Times, 6 December 1881
Disasters at Sea
Lloyd's agent at Liverpool telegraphs that the Hurworth, steamer, from
Montreal for Rotterdam, has been abandoned at sea. The crew, numbering 25,
were rescued by the Germanic, steamer, from New York, which latter was
detained ten hours, and were landed at Liverpool. The Hurworth, sailed from
Montreal on the 7th of November, and North Sydney, C.B., on the 14th of
November. She was a steamer of 1,937 gross tons, built at Sunderland in
1878, and owned by Mr. T. H. Davison, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. The lifeboat of
the Germanic, manned by the chief officer, Mr. Robert Bence, and five men,
had to make three trips to the wreck in a heavy sea. The passengers of the
Germanic were so struck with the gallantry displayed by the rescuing crew
that they set on foot a subscription, which realized £136. A gold watch was
presented to the chief officer, and the remainder of the money was
distributed among the rescuing party and the shipwrecked crew.
Disasters at Sea
Lloyd's agent at Liverpool telegraphs that the Hurworth, steamer, from
Montreal for Rotterdam, has been abandoned at sea. The crew, numbering 25,
were rescued by the Germanic, steamer, from New York, which latter was
detained ten hours, and were landed at Liverpool. The Hurworth, sailed from
Montreal on the 7th of November, and North Sydney, C.B., on the 14th of
November. She was a steamer of 1,937 gross tons, built at Sunderland in
1878, and owned by Mr. T. H. Davison, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. The lifeboat of
the Germanic, manned by the chief officer, Mr. Robert Bence, and five men,
had to make three trips to the wreck in a heavy sea. The passengers of the
Germanic were so struck with the gallantry displayed by the rescuing crew
that they set on foot a subscription, which realized £136. A gold watch was
presented to the chief officer, and the remainder of the money was
distributed among the rescuing party and the shipwrecked crew.