On behalf of the UK Board of Trade, the shipping lines collected information which included nationality and country of last permanent residence, but nothing at all about race or religious beliefs. The information required by the American authorities for those arriving on 'immigrant ships' can be seen in this example of a rather untypical arrival on the
Duff-Gordon, Sir Cosmo E
Able to read and write: yes, yes
Nationality: Gt. Britain; Race or People: Scotch
Last residence: Scotland, Maryculter - Non Immigrant Alien
Nearest relative: Home, 22 Lenox Gardens, Marycult, London
Final Destination: Scotland, Maryculter
Ticket to final destination: No
Passage paid by: Self
In possession of at least $50.00: all lost at sea
In US before: Yes, 1887, New York
Going to: Ritz Carlton Hotel, New York
Not in prison before; Not a Polygamist; Not an anarchist
Not coming by reason of offer of labor
Health: Good; Deformed: No; Height 6'; Complexion: Fair; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue; Marks of identification: -
Born in: England, London
Note that the only information we have concerning Sir Cosmo's beliefs is that he was not into polygamy. And the concept of 'race' differs from the modern interpretation.
The problem of family members being held back at some stage following health checks was experienced by some Titanic passengers. Jamilia and Elias Nicola-Yarred (aged 14 and 11) started their journey from the Lebanon in the company of their father, but at Cherbourg before boarding he was found to be suffering from trachoma. The children boarded Titanic in the care of other families in their travelling group. Both survived and eventually the family were reunited in Florida.